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Hair fall
Hair fall can be permanent or temporary. It can be heredity, due to hormonal changes, medical conditions, or a normal part of aging.
For women going through menopause, the cause of hair loss is almost always related to hormonal changes. Other reasons could be extremely high levels of stress, illness, or a lack of certain nutrients. Diagnostic blood tests that can help rule out other causes of hair loss include thyroid tests, and/or a complete blood count which includes zinc, iron, and biotin.
What can you do to protect your help or help alleviate hair loss?
☑️Eat a balanced diet. Get enough iron from foods, like dark green leafy vegetables, beans, and fortified cereals.
☑️Limit treatments that can break or damage your hair, such as straightening irons, bleach, and perms
☑️Stay hydrated.
☑️Exercise regularly
☑️Limit or quit smoking. It damages hair follicles and can speed up hair loss.
☑️Avoid hair products with sulfates, silicones, phthalates, and formaldehyde.
☑️ Reduce stress by Pilates, yoga meditation, and journaling.
30 min
549 Indian rupees1 hr
1,499 Indian rupees45 min
1,599 Indian rupees30 min
1,599 Indian rupees45 min
From 1,599 Indian rupees45 min
From 1,499 Indian rupees
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