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OsteoTest | Test for Osteoporosis at home
Find out your risk of Osteoporosis
The OsteoTest | home from osteolabs is easy, quick, and safe because it determines the calcium ratios in the bones using a urine sample.
€ 129
Get 20€ discount with the code OSTEOMW20
(change the coupon code in the checkout to OSTEOMW20)
Kit contents:
1 Urine sampling container
1 Monovette
1 Shipping container
Detailed instructions, self-disclosure form
Prepaid return envelope for sending to the laboratory
*Included in the price: detailed laboratory analysis to determine possible risk of osteoporosis. Results will be available to download safely and securely within 21 days of returning your sample. Also included with the results is a detailed explanation of the results and further information on osteoporosis.
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