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Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness occurs in women of all ages but after menopause, it is very common. Dryness can lead to other symptoms like itching and burning, all of which can make sex painful and decrease quality of life.
One of the major reasons for vaginal dryness is low estrogen levels which can occur for a variety of reasons including the transition to perimenopause and menopause.
Data from the Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN) showed that 50% of women don't report vaginal dryness to their healthcare providers, and less than 4% of affected women are actively using any of the many proven therapies.
Other reasons for vaginal dryness include
Childbirth and breastfeeding
Radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer
Surgical removal of the ovaries
Anti-estrogen medications used to treat uterine fibroids or endometriosis
Lack of arousal during sex
Treatment options include
Water-based lubricants during sex (short-term moisture).
Topical estrogens in the form of vaginal rings, gels, creams, or pills (talk to a medical professional).
Avoid strong or perfumed soaps or lotions near the vagina.
DO NOT douche (flush the vagina with water).
Phytoestrogens, such as soybeans, soy products, or flaxseed may help reduce vaginal dryness.