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Sleep issues

Insomnia, night sweats, anxiety, and heart palpitations are some of the issues that can affect a good night's sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 61% of menopausal women have sleep problems. Sleeping difficulties can lead to other problems, such as daytime drowsiness. Hot flashes and night sweats can also severely disrupt sleep.

Research shows that sleep loss disproportionately affects the self-regulatory functions in women's bodies, putting them at more risk of inflammatory and lifestyle diseases, which are heavily hormone-dependent

Chronic sleep deprivation during perimenopause, if left unaddressed, can have debilitating effects on the body and cognition post menopause and old age; it is a vicious cycle! 


Therefore, it is best to acknowledge the issue at hand and act on it as early as possible rather than blaming the hormones and suffering in silence until things get out of control. With awareness and clarity, one can take the right steps or connect with professionals to improve the quality of life.

Top reasons to act on your sleep issues


Good sleep may just be the magic potion to several other health problems you are facing because it is crucial for


  • Robust immunity

  • Regulation of growth hormones

  • Good digestive health

  • Lowering the risk of lifestyle diseases 

  • Blood sugar control

  • Fertility and hormonal health

  • Body weight maintenance

  • Emotional health

  • Learning, problem-solving and decision-making 

  • Concentration and memory 

   Are you curious about how well you sleep? Check out some wearable sleep trackers like the


Tips/ tools for improved sleep


  1. Go to sleep around THE SAME TIME every day to train your brain. As we always say CONSISTENCY is key!

  2. Good mattress and pillow (cooling pillow if you prefer)

  3. Exercise during the day could help reduce the time taken to fall asleep. 

  4. Have your last meal 2-3 h before bedtime (this also avoids digestion issues).

  5. Bedtime rituals like a calming tea, warm shower, meditation, affirmations, journaling, breathing exercises, soothing music, and reading help condition your body to fall asleep.

  6. Sleep-inducing environment: An uncluttered bedroom with dim lighting and calming elements (wall hanging, etc)

  7. Of course, avoid gadgets at least for an hour before bedtime since bright light signals your brain to remain active.

  8. Relaxing aids like an eye patch, massager, and cooling face mask can help you wind down

More information
Online programs

Sleep problems can be due to different issues including lifestyle, food habits including gut health or lack of the right exercise.

Our online programs might help you

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